Well hello there!

If you want to read my blathering about crafting, thrifting, failing, succeeding, crying, laughing...then you've come to the right place.

Saturday 9 July 2011

And in the beginning, there was cake...

There was cake, because we all need SOMETHING to make us happy. Lately my household has been awash with worries about money, pensions, health issues, you name it... Everyone, it seems, is stressed. People analyse everything, regret so much, and wish for the world. Me included, and I can't take it any more!
I'm not going to win the lottery. Even if I did I doubt life would suddenly be AWESOME.
We gotta make our own fortune folks! And I am sick of wishing my life away, you?
(Note: During extreme PMT I will totally forget this statement and hate you all and insist that if I don't win the lotto I may as well kill myself. No word of a lie, this is the kind of hormonal wail my patient husband puts up with.)

Here are some of my latest observations, and aims:
  • Sometimes relying on credit is a good thing. Thanks to moi not working for 9 months we are somewhat strapped financially, but determined to have a good holiday with the Duck this year, so we are going to rely on good old Mr Plastic and just not think about it until September! Cream teas and sandy toes here we come!
  • Just accept charity. We are lucky to have an extremely generous family who shower the Duck with everything she could possibly need, which is great, because we are tight arses.Or broke arses.
  • Friends come and go. Slightly sad one this. But I have to face up to it I think, you go through a lot of changes in life, and lose touch with people for whatever reason. If you're not happy with relationships then something inevitably has to change. Personally I sometimes find that people take advantage of my laid back nature, and then I'm not so laid back! I need to be more selective...and thicker skinned.
  • Enjoy what you enjoy, no guilt. Life is fricking tough at the best of times, I'm not even going to start going into the "current economic climate", but yeah, if cake, pretty shoes and country music make you happy, just fucking do it. There should be some kind of ratio like joy:stress = 3:1 or something...
  • Screw the diet. Mainly because I just can't do it... I did one day of eating fruit and nuts and all that crap, and I was frigging starving. I'm big boned, it's just never going to work. Went to work and was accosted by two birthday cakes, Mother and Mother in Law bought cakes on the following two days, and then I got drunk. That's a good week. If I had been stressed I would have bought cake myself AS WELL. I think all I can do is try to "eat sensibly and exercise regularly". 
So I'll eat small cakes and hop around them a few times before munching...